Here is a description of the seminars and trainings we currently offer by category. Preferably, an entire weekend (Friday-Sunday) would be devoted to each topic. However, Friday night through Saturday could work. And, if necessary, each can be addressed on a Saturday.
A. Five Love Languages
1. Highlights the crucial, biblical differences between infatuation and real (mature) love, and why mature is so much better.
2. Assists spouses to understand and value the unique ways that each individual person comprehends, perceives, interprets and receives the message of "love."
3. Invaluable content for those who want to make their spouse truly "feel" loved.
4. Participants learn what it is to authentically and deliberately "love" their spouse.
5. Works to bring healing to those who just cannot seem to ever "feel" loved no matter what their spouse does.
6. Many pastors have opined that we bring a fresh, practical, relevant approach to this essential subject.
B. Healthy Communication
1. Defines the capital distinctions between healthy and unhealthy communication in a marriage.
2. Provides an individual assessment to determine and reveal if a particular spouse is "safe" to be vulnerable with.
3. Offers several practical exercises to assess the actual degree of communication health in their relationship.
4. Teaches simple and pragmatic steps to improve and sustain wholesome, effective marital communication.
5. Explains the rich, biblical instruction to encourage and motivate spouses to fight for positive marital communication.
6. Learn successful approaches to peacemaking.
7. Acquire the skill to listen in a deeper way.
C. Sexual Intimacy
1. Provides extensive biblical instruction and explanation from the scriptures.
2. Debunks several anti-biblical assumptions and myths about the sexual experience.
3. Considerable effort to define intimacy and why it is so much better than just "sex."
4. Presents a detailed scientific and physiological understanding of the sexual experience.
5. Explains why God specifically created sex for WOMEN!
6. Discusses various positions and their benefits.
7. Grants spouses, in many cases, the first "safe" time and environment to share their true heart feelings about their marital experience.
8. Creates a healthy atmosphere for people to be healed in this area so they can go forward in their marriage.
D. The Secret To A Happy, Lasting Marriage
1. Discusses in depth the irrefutable benefits of prayer intimacy in a marriage.
2. Instructs couples in practical ways to increase their quality and consistency in "together" prayer time.
3. Defuses the friction caused by the classic ways the different sexes approach prayer.
4. Brings marital healing so trust can be regained in the relationship.
5. Thoroughly explains the clear benefits of sustained intimacy in a marriage.
6. Guides couples in prayer skills in tandem to get faster, expedited answers to prayer.
7. Convinces spouses of the irreplaceable power of couple unity.
E. Unity And Vision Building For A Couple
1. Walks each couple through a thorough, yet simple process to write a life, vision/mission statement for their marriage.
2. Helps a couple discover their reason and purpose of individual and marital existence.
3. Instructs couples in how to create their marital future in every area.
4. Unifies a couple to live passionately and reach their dreams.
5. Convinces spouses of the irrefutable power of couple unity.
6. Gets many couples on the same page for the first time in their marital history.
A. Discovering One's Unique Leadership Personality (Also invaluable for non or "pre" leaders)
1. Utilizes the DISC personality approach with the Smalley Animal Personality monikers (lion, otter, golden retriever, beaver).
2. Really helps people understand, own and embrace who God uniquely, sovereignly made them to be.
3. Teaches participants to also value and CELEBRATE the differences in others.
4. Organically builds unity and symphony in a leadership and ministry team.
5. Stresses the necessity of keeping one's personality at the Cross through consistent, dynamic spiritual devotion.
B. The Benefits of TEAM Leadership
1. Expounds through discussion and exercises why a team is so much better than any individual effort.
2. Instructs participants in how to build and sustain healthy, effective, CREATIVE teams.
3. Participants learn how to use multiple gifts to build an unified vision.
4. Overcome the five dysfunctions of a team.
C. Discovering One's Spiritual Gifts
1. Enlightens people through assessments and exercises about their God-given spiritual and ministry gifts.
2. Distinguishes between the gifts of the Father vs. the Son vs. the Holy Spirit
3. Emphasizes the need for character development in conjunction with the use of gifts for healthy, edifying results.
4. Explains how to activate and develop one's gifts for the glory of God.
5. Assists people in understanding "where" God may want them to serve with their unique gifts.
D. Leadership and Character Development
1. Discover how leaders grow.
2. Underscores the value of servant leadership.
3. Articulates how to achieve success through character, bravery and influence.
4. Explicates how to become an effective leader by confronting potential failures.
5. Illustrates how a leader is "made" through various and multiple environments and situations.
6. Elucidates God's training process so that a person can receive "grace" to endure and flourish.
E. Unity Building Retreats for Leadership and Ministry Teams
1. Helps teams learn to discover common ground to facilitate forward movement in unity.
2. Provides a safe environment for divided or dysfunctional teams to resolve issues in a healthy way.
3. Instructs in how to handle conflict promptly, succinctly and to a positive advantage.
4. Develops the skill of healthy conflict resolution through exercises and assessments.
5. Combines interpersonal communication, team building and goal setting.
A. Receiving The Blessing
1. Thoroughly explains the strategic, life-trans-formative power of the family blessing.
2. Explains the incredible, irreversible value of family and personal acceptance in an individual's life.
3. Instructs families in how to biblically transfer the family blessing to individual family members.
4. Discusses the irrefutable consequences of not receiving personal acceptance.
5. Brings healing and hope to those who have never received the family blessing.
6. Concludes with the family blessing being conferred on each participant.
7. Grants the ability to "give" the blessing to anyone that God has strategically placed in your life to BLESS!
8. Teaches congregations and groups to become "Centers of Blessing."
9. Creates a "culture" of blessing (vs. cursing) in each home and church/group.
10. Releases individuals into their God-ordained destiny and purpose like nothing else.